
NextLandmark, I Shouldn't lose this contest...

Sport & Wellness, University,


IUSVE works with Floornature on the second edition of Next Landmark. Amedeo Bazzani, Chiara Reggiani and Federico Graziati are the students who will be taking care of contest communications in their project work.

NextLandmark, I Shouldn't lose this contest...
Next Landmark,  the contest held by architecture, design and design culture portal Floornature spotlighting the work of young generations of architects, represents new urban landmarks with a new architecture photography section and becomes a concrete work experience for a number of young entrants!

The partnership with IUSVE, Istituto Universitario Salesiano Venezia, has been renewed for the second edition of Next Landmark.

The students who will be working with the Floornature editors are from the degree programme in Integrated communications and design at IUSVE: Amedeo Bazzani, Chiara Reggiani and Federico Graziati, who will take care of contest publicity in their project work.

The campaign publicising Next Landmark is already underway, featuring young designers and photographers as testimonials, with smiling faces and statements explaining why... "I Shouldn't lose this contest...".

(Agnese Bifulco)
