
Luminothérapie Loop giant wheel and light effects in Montréal

Ulysse Lemerise / OSA Images,

Montréal, Canada,

Ville, Installation,


Just in time for Christmas and to usher in the New Year, Montréal’s Quartier des spectacles hosts the Luminothérapie event featuring Loop, with optical effects to charm children and adults alike with the magic of animated film.

Luminothérapie Loop giant wheel and light effects in Montréal

An installation that promises to leave children’s jaws dropping and make adults feel nostalgic: starting on December 8, and until January 29, 2017, the “Place des Festivals” in the Quartier des spectacles in Montréal hosts Loop, an acoustic and light installation that charms children and adults alike with the magic of animated film.

Loop is made up of 13 zootropes, an optical trick which is a precursor of animated film; in the installation designed by Olivier Girouard, Jonathan Villeneuve and Ottoblix it is activated by a system inspired by the draisine, a nineteenth-century vehicle similar to a bicycle. Passers-by sit in cylinders 2 metres in diameter and start or stop the mechanism by putting their feet on the ground. Each zootrope proposes a different fairy-tale with black and white images which are visible both inside and outside the cylinder.
Movement seems to bring the images to life in a stroboscope effect evoking the earliest moving pictures, in which the rhythm of the soundtrack and lighting is determined by the users themselves.
A series of videos by Ottoblix projected on the walls of two adjacent buildings, the Pavillon Président-Kennedy at UQAM and the Wilder Espace Danse, complete Loop with more images of fairy-tale characters and fantastic places.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Olivier Girouard, Jonathan Villeneuve and Ottoblix
Team: Generique Design, Jérôme Roy e Thomas Ouellet Fredericks

Images courtesy of Quartier des Spectacles, photo by Ulysse Lemerise / OSA Images
