
LatinoAmerican, a new hospitality concept by Cadena Concept Design

Cadena Concept Design,

Jaime Navarro Soto,


Cadena Asociados has come up with a new "customer experience" concept for Grupo Posadas, the Latin American leader in hospitality. The keywords Ignacio Cadena has come up with for the tourists of the third millennium are: narcissism, consumerism, neophilia, inclusiveness, immediacy and hyper-connection.

LatinoAmerican, a new hospitality concept by Cadena Concept Design

Mexican studio Cadena Concept Design was asked to come up with a new hospitality concept for the giant Latin American hotel chain Grupo Posadas. They began by analysing the target, which turned out to be hyper-narcissistic, consumerist, connected, fond of new developments and determined to "seize the day".

Latino American is a form of accessible, intelligent hospitality created for this type of target, a category in itself which Ignacio Cadena calls "Urban (G)local Hotels", in which the room is an appendix of the town, where all kinds of services may be found. Latino American will be a network of properties located in neighbourhoods that serve as "urban terminals" offering visitors security, comfort and vicinity to the local culture.

Cadena Asociados wanted to make the project a concrete expression of "LatinoAmerican identity", in terms of both values and aesthetics, using bright colours and rough materials and taking hypermodernity and the potential of technology to an extreme.

Francesco Cibati

Design: Cadena Asociados – www.cadena-asociados.com
Photos: Jaime Navarro Soto
Client: Grupo Posadas