
Land 25: A Tribute to Italian Landscape exhibition in Venice

Luca Molinari,

Factories, Gallery, Landscape, Sport & Wellness,


This is the second leg on the tour for Land: in the wake of the exhibition’s success at SpazioFMG, “Land 25: A Tribute to Italian Landscape” moves on to Venice.

Land 25: A Tribute to Italian Landscape exhibition in Venice

"Land 25: A Tribute to Italian Landscape" is a monographic exhibition put together by curator Luca Molinari to cover the 25 year career of the architectural studio Land. In the wake of its success at SpazioFMGperl'architettura, the gallery in Milan operated by Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, the exhibition continues its tour of Europe, stopping at Vega Park science and technology campus in Venice.

In Venice, the exhibition will focus attention on the reclamation and clean-up of degraded industrial sites such as Porto Marghera, the subject of one of the studies featured in the exhibition: Porto Marghera (Venice), Green Tree Strategy.

In the exhibition “Land 25: A Tribute to Italian Landscape” Land architectural studio proposes a new approach to land use policy: The Landscape Project.
In this method, landscape becomes a central element in development policy featuring innovative actions targeting rural, urban and periurban natural spaces, in which design becomes an engine driving development of a sustainable economy respecting, promoting and underlining particular features of the landscape.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Land 25: A tribute to Italian landscape
Dates: starting February 9 2015
Location: VEGA Science and Technology Campus in Venice, Pegaso Building, Via delle Industrie 15, Marghera – Venice
For info VEGA Park T. +39 041 5093000 M. master@vegapark.ve.it
