
Italian architect and young talent in Italian architecture of 2017

caravatti_caravatti architetti, Andreas Kipar, Cino Zucchi Architetti, C+S (Carlo Cappai + Maria Alessandra Segantini), Elisabetta Gabrielli, Markus Scherer,

Matteo Benigna, Alessandra Chemollo,



Caravatti_caravatti architetti has been named Italian Architect of 2017 and Elisabetta Gabrielli is the Young Talent in Architecture of 2017”. The awards ceremony was held at Maxxi museum in Rome on December 2, during the “Festa dell'Architetto”.

Italian architect and young talent in Italian architecture of 2017

On December 2, 2017 MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts designed by Zaha Hadid in Rome hosted the fifth Festa dell'Architetto, an event organised by Italy’s National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists. Prizes were awarded at the event to “offer visibility to Italian architects considered to represent a particularly high level of technical and professional excellence and respond to the challenges of contemporary architecture today with an ethical, innovative approach to the profession”. The “ Italian Architect” award went to “caravatti_caravatti architetti”, the studio of Emilio Caravatti, Matteo Caravatti, Chiara Gugliotta and Elena Verri. The panel of judges chaired by architect Andreas Kipar noted that the work of “caravatti_caravatti architetti” is “respectful not only of place, but of the social context into which it fits”.

The “Prize for Young Talent in Architecture 2017” was presented to Elisabetta Gabrielli for Askim Pier in Goteborg, which also received an Honourable Mention in the “Open spaces, infrastructure and landscape projects’ category. A special prize was awarded to architect Cino Zucchi for the new Lavazza headquarters in Turin, while Paolo Baratta, Chairman of the Venice Biennale, was named “Honorary Architect” for the Biennale’s world-wide prestige and valuable contribution to architecture. Lastly, two Honourable Mentions were awarded, to Markus Scherer for the restoration and recovery of Volume “C” in the fortifications of Fortezza (BZ) - “Restoration or recovery projects” category, and to Carlo Cappai and Maria Alessandra Segantini’s studio C+S in the “‘Installations and interiors” category for Aequilibrium 15th, an installation designed for the 15th Architecture Biennale in Venice.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Festa dell'Architetto www.awn.it

caravatti_caravatti architetti (Emilio Caravatti, Matteo Caravatti, Chiara Gugliotta, Elena Verri)
Progetto/ Project: Jigiya So’ - Psychomotorial rehabilitation centre
Images courtesy of caravatti_caravatti architetti

Elisabetta Gabrielli
Progetto/ Project: Askim Pier – Askim Bay, Goteborg - Sweden
Images courtesy of Elisabetta Gabrielli

Cino Zucchi Architetti
Progetto/ Project: New Lavazza headquarters - Turin
Images courtesy of Cino Zucchi Architetti

Markus Scherer - architekt
Progetto/ Project: Restoration and recovery of Volume “C” in the Fortifications of Fortezza (BZ)
Images courtesy of Markus Scherer - architekt, photo by Alessandra Chemollo

C+S (Carlo Cappai + Maria Alessandra Segantini)
Progetto/ Project: Aequilibrium 15th - Architecture Biennale 2016 Reporting from the front
Images courtesy of C+S, photo by Matteo Benigna