
German Pavilion Expo Milano 2015


Sport & Wellness, Landscape, Expo, Pavilions,

“Fields of Ideas” is Germany’s theme at Expo Milano 2015, and the architecture of the German pavilion recalls a typical German rural landscape of hilly fields and meadows.

German Pavilion Expo Milano 2015

The architecture of the German Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 recalls the rural landscape of Germany: rolling fields and meadows reflecting the country’s theme, "Fields of Ideas".
Visitors can walk around the gently rolling surfaces or visit the exhibition contained. The exhibition level is the starting point for stylised plants identified as "budding ideas” that form the membrane roof over the pavilion and form the elements joining the inside and outside of the construction.
The pavilion’s open structure, freely accessible to visitors, is a place for meeting and discussion where visitors can implement the programme summed up in the motto “Fields of Ideas”.

The exhibition route presents agriculture as not just an economic sector but a cultural resource for the country, proposing new ideas and solutions for food security in the future, while inviting visitors to play an active role through the exhibition “my garden of ideas”. The exhibition route concludes with the show “Be(e)active” 3 thousand screens project images of German landscapes, and visitors have a vision of Germany from the perspective of two bees in flight moving under the direction of an orchestra conductor.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Germany Pavilion, photo by B. Handke
