
Creative Recycling Thesis Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic

Paolo Schianchi,

Sport & Wellness, University, Companies,


Can the concept of recycling be applied to brand communication? The experimental thesis by Corinne Coli, supervised by Paolo Schianchi, provides an example of the application of the communication principles of Google Green to Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic, a technology developed by the Graniti Fiandre Group to achieve eco-active ceramics.

Creative Recycling Thesis Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic

The experimental thesis by Corinne Coli, a young graduate in Integrated Communication & Design from the IUSVE (Istituto Universitario Salesiano Venezia), supervised by Paolo Schianchi, has proposed an example of creative recycling in the field of communication.
Taking inspiration from reflections on the concept of recycling and how it has been universally well received in daily life as well as in design, the young graduate directed her research towards the possibilities surrounding the ethical recycling of communication. In support of her thesis, she presented a solid application project involving Google Green and Active Clean Air & Antibacterial CeramicTM, the technology developed by the GranitiFiandre group for eco-active ceramics. The Active brand is to be communicated using the communication principles of Google Green, the campaign implemented by Google to disseminate “the best practices ” the company has put in place to become environmentally sustainable and promote the use of renewable energy sources.
Starting with a detailed examination of the parties involved, and a breaking up and reassembly of the key communication concepts of Google Green, Coli was successful in finding a new possible communication approach for Active Clean Air & Antibacterial CeramicTM.
The conclusion of the thesis also addressed the ethics of the entire communication plan, and checked that the exclusive intellectual property rights of those involved had not been breached or commercially exploited.