
Constructing on existing constructions: Some solutions

laprimastanza (Davide Agostini, Matteo Battistini, Steve Camagni, Francesco Ceccarelli),

Ricardo Oliveira Alves,

Expo, Housing,


Working on an existing building, whether or not it is of historical significance, inevitably requires the architect to make important decisions about what to keep and what to restore. Here we look at a number of solutions presented in Floornature, particularly residential projects.

Constructing on existing constructions: Some solutions

Projects involving renovation or work on existing buildings, whether or not they are of historical significance, inevitably requires the architect to make important decisions about what aspects of the existing construction to preserve and restore.
Here we look at a number of solutions presented in Floornature, particularly residential projects that have been particularly popular on the portal#39;s social networks.
We start with a number of Italian projects, such as dock52, a contemporary home in Bologna designed by the architects of Laprimastanza (Davide Agostini, Matteo Battistini, Steve Camagni, Francesco Ceccarelli)in an old garage. Architect Cristina Meschi converted the garage of a historic villa in Meina into a home. In Pollenzo, Cuneo, architect Andrea Corino of MAD56 the architect took inspiration from a 19th-century portico for the design of a modern loft.
Photographer Ricardo Oliveira Alves successfully captures the sacred atmosphere of an old Portuguese home renovated by Aires Mateus architectural studio. Going on to look at a renovation project on a contemporary building, Iranian studio Nextoffice worked on the Kouhsar Villa project at an advanced stage in its construction.

(Agnese Bifulco)