
Natural stone as the centre of surface design




Eiffelgres’s Pietralavica porcelain tiles are perfect for indoor flooring and outdoor pavements thanks to their look and their ability to represent the evolution of natural stone, now elegantly reinterpreted in a wider colour range

Natural stone as the centre of surface design
Natural stone is still one of the most popular of the many elegant effects available in home flooring today, with its innate charm and guaranteed ability to go with furniture in any style without sacrificing its energy or expressive capacity.
All indoor and outdoor floor surfaces are perfect for laying stone-like porcelain tiles, especially because of their bright shine, the true added value they contribute to home design.
Today’s collections of stone-like porcelain feature more and more different hues and variations, with stones from all over the world, suitable not only for apartments but for contemporary spaces of all kinds.
An outstanding example of an innovative stone-like surface that is elegant in any context is the Pietralavica collection from Eiffelgres.
Pietralavica is a part of the E-Style collection of Eiffelgres high-tech ceramic tiles representing different types of stone, from limestone (Greigetone) to natural stone (TRACE) and earths, sands and clays. 
The common denominator in E-Style is the desire to recreate the "natural beauty of material", observing its evolution over the course of geological eras and then moulding the technology to produce the "expressive randomness that only nature could produce in the past".
Available in patinated and natural finishes, complete with a selection of strips, decorative items and special pieces, Pietralavica is at the same time "the synthesis and interpretation of the material that inspires it, (...) a new way of conceiving of spaces, marking them with a unique contemporary architectural style".
In nature, pietra lavica or lava is a solidified dark-coloured volcanic rock, known primarily as a good cooking surface (for barbecues, stoves, etc.). 
Inspired by its natural strength, Eiffelgres’s Pietralavica tiles expand on the look of the original stone with six different colours.
Light, Mediterranean colours (Starwhite, Sand, Pearlgrey) gradually blend into darker hues (Darkgrey, Chocolate and Brown). 
The complete colour palette of the collection is thus homogeneous and highly functional for all indoor and outdoor applications.
The variety of different formats (30x60, 60x60 cm), including large slabs (60x120 cm) and custom-designed sizes, makes Pietralavica perfect for all kinds of architectural projects, just as effective and elegant in residential, commercial and public buildings.

Marco Privato