
Casali Domus Photos - Architecture and Design in Italy 1951-1983

Angelo Mangiarotti,

Giorgio Casali,

Venice, Italy,


Exhibition, Arts,

The exhibition, which will open on 29th June at the IUAV University of Venice celebrates the work of Giorgio Casali. A journey through over thirty years of the history of Italian architecture and design, with a wide selected of photographs signed “foto Casali Domus”.

Casali Domus Photos - Architecture and Design in Italy 1951-1983

“foto Casali Domus”, this is how Giorgio Casali signed the photographs that he took in over thirty years of activity, from 1950 to the 1980s, for Domusinternational magazine. A large selection of his work will be on display from 29th June at the IUAV University in Venice, at the exhibition entitled “Casali Domus Photos - Architecture and Design in Italy 1951-1983 ”.

These are the years in which Italian design was becoming internationally known and Casali became the photographer of leading Italian architects and designers, a witness to the fervour of renewal that was spreading across the country. From the Superleggera chair by Gio Ponti, to lights by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos and Arteluce, as well as objects like Clock Section C1 by Angelo Mangiarotti and Bruno Morassutti, or a dress designed by Krizia photographed against an op-art background; photos by Giorgio Casali allow us to rediscover the history of Italian architecture and design through the most iconic works made in Italy.
The exhibition, curated by Angelo Maggi and Andrea Nalesso, is not just a tribute to the work of Giorgio Casali. His photographs become a medium for transmitting the image of post-war Italian architecture and highlighting great architects who have recently been neglected. The photos on display are from the Casali Collection, preserved and managed at Design Archive of the IUAV University of Venice.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Casali Domus Photos - Architecture and Design in Italy 1951-1983
Exhibition curated by Angelo Maggi and Andrea Nalesso
Date: 29th June – 15th September 2017
Opening: 29th June 2017, 5.30 pm 
Place: IUAV University of Venice - Tolentini, Aula Magna, Santa Croce 191, Venice – Italy
Photos: Giorgio Casali © Casali Collection - Design Archive of the IUAV University of Venice
