
Venice biennale, Denmark pavilion

Biennale di Venezia,

Exhibition, Venice Biennale,

The Danish pavilion at the 15th International Architecture exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia responds to the theme REPORTING FROM THE FRONT with “Art of Many and the Right to Space”.

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Venice biennale, Denmark pavilion The Danish pavilion at the 15th International Architecture exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia responds to the theme REPORTING FROM THE FRONT with “Art of Many and the Right to Space”. 
In the run-up to the preview of the 15th International Architecture exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia where we'll be going live from the Giardini and the Arsenale, let's take a quick look at the Danish pavilion.

Going by the name “Art of Many and the Right to Space”, the contribution curated by architect Boris Brorman Jensen and philosopher Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss presents a collective exhibition of more than 130 projects by over 70 architecture firms, discussing the daily social commitment of Danish architects to improve the quality of life in Denmark as a whole.

This isn't just a showcase of architectural icons for its own sake, but an overview that explores the theme of creating high quality architecture for many people, through public spaces, hospitals, public housing, schools, jobs: a really broad front that aims to be a platform for discussing the right to space, also involving the paradoxical dynamics intrinsic to improving the quality of life in cities.

And on this theme, a central video installation is dedicated to the work of Professor Jan Gehl who in his 50-year career helped contribute to a more humanitarian vision in cities.
Here too, in the Danish pavilion in the Giardini of the Biennale, built in 1932 by architect Carl Brummer, we can see a multidisciplinary approach to be able to really share what is happening in the world of Danish architecture, as proof that architecture is much more than just built environment.

Christiane Bürklein

Danish pavilion
“Art of Many and the Right to Space”
15° Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – La Biennale di Venezia
28 May to 27 November 2016
Giardini della Biennale, Venice
Images: courtesy of VisitDenmark