
Impressions of 2017 Jerusalem Design Week (JDW)




The theme for this year's sixth annual design festival in Jerusalem is “Islands”, a reflection on a global shift towards a more inward-looking world and a redefinition of political, cultural and social barriers.

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  3. Impressions of 2017 Jerusalem Design Week (JDW)

Impressions of 2017 Jerusalem Design Week (JDW) The theme for this year's sixth annual design festival in Jerusalem is “Islands”, a reflection on a global shift towards a more inward-looking world and a redefinition of political, cultural and social barriers. All taking place in a city that is home to a multitude of culturally diverse communities.  

Islands always seem to be exciting because they conjure up images of holidays, particularly as the northern hemisphere heads into summer. At the sixth Jerusalem Design Week that ran from 8 to 15 June 2017, the theme of “Islands” was explored more deeply, referencing the famous words of English poet, John Donne in 1624: “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”.
At this particular time in history and politics and in a place like Jerusalem, a city built on seven hills and home to a multitude of culturally diverse communities, so both physically and virtually a collection of islands these words have been injected with new meaning through design’s creative and proactive approach in all its forms. As Artistic Director of JDW2017, Anat Safran, running the event with Chief Curator Tal Erez and Ayelet Dros for RAN Wolf Urban Planning and Project Management said: “Design, in this context, becomes a strong, dynamic and uniting force, one that has a unique ability to transcend international borders, whilst evoking a constructive dialogue from the world’s most diverse and creative minds.”
Visitors to 2017 Jerusalem Design Week – Islands got to see the results of these reflections by the international design world through exhibitions and initiatives in the eclectic neighbourhood of Talbiya, including the historical 1887 Hansen House - formerly a hospital for lepers, and in 2011 converted into a new design, media and technology cultural centre - and the Nature Museum.
We've selected the most visually striking installations to share with our readers.

Christiane Bürklein

2017 Jerusalem Design Week (JDW) - Islands
8 to 15 June 2017
Images: courtesy of JDW – see credits