
dOCUMENTA(13). Places for representing the condition of the artist today.

Anders Sune Berg,

Australia, Kassel, Germany,



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dOCUMENTA(13). Places for representing the condition of the artist today.
The big contemporary art exhibition dOCUMENTA(13) which brings art fans to the German city of Kassel every 5 years is open until September 16.

The thirteenth documenta adds new locations to the event’s classic main exhibition sites, helping visitors discover spaces representing different realities with references to the local conditions of people who do art today: on the stage, under siege, in hope, in retreat.

The old central railway station in Kassel, used only for regional traffic in the past twenty years but an important artefact of 20th century history, has now become an exhibition space.

The big spaces of the northern wing host interesting installations such as The Refusal of Time by South African artist William Kentridge or Approaching: Choreography Engineered in Never-Past Tense by Haegue Yang of South Korea.

At Untere Karlsstraße 14, an unused warehouse which was to contain a mosque, never built, visitors are offered an opportunity to experience the condition of the artist “in retreat”, as Lebanese artist Walid Raad addresses the intangible effects of the material destruction of war on culture and traditions.

The former hospital at Oberste Gasse 4 has its own unusual history, dating back as far back as 1297. The tour begins in the kitchens, where a sound installation accompanied by text on the white ceramic tiles by Abul Qasem Foushanji and other works by young Afghan men and women address their country’s troubled present. The evocative space also exhibits the results of art seminars held in Kabul.
Particularly intense exhibits include Zalmai’s photographs portraying reuse of war materials in everyday life and video artist Lida Abdul’s film What we have overlooked.

Project: dOCUMENTA(13), http://d13.documenta.de/
Location: Kassel, Germany
Date: June 9 – September 16, 2012
Link: Art in the park, http://www.floornature.com/blog/documenta(13)-art-in-the-park-8015/, 100 days of art, http://www.floornature.com/blog/documenta(13)-andndash-100-days-of-art-not-to-be-missed-8025/
Photo 1: Haegue Yang,
Approaching: Choreography Engineered in Never-Past Tense, 2012, Installation, motorized aluminium Venetian blinds, aluminium hanging structure, cable, module box, DMX recorder Dimensions variable Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) with the support of Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris; Greene Naftali, New York; Kukje Gallery, Seoul; Galerie Wien Lukatsch, Berlin Photo: Nils Klinger
Photo 2: István Csákány,
Ghost Keeping, 2012, István Csákány, Ghost Keeping, 2012, Mixed media, Dimensions variable Courtesy István Csákány, Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) with the support of Horvath Art Foundation, Budapest; ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Department of Ludwig Museum—Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest; Zsolt Somlói/Katalin Spengler; Péter Szauer; Levente B. Málnay; Andrea Dénes/Balázs Árpád; László Gero; Zoltán Bodnár; Dr. Imre Balogh; Pálfi György; Ahlers AG, Herford Photo: Henrik Stromberg
Photo 3: William Kentridge,
The Refusal of Time, 2012, William Kentridge, Philip Miller, Catherine Meyburgh 5-channel projections with megaphones and a breathing machine (elephant) c. 24 min. Courtesy the artist Commissioned by dOCUMENTA (13), produced by Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, Paris; Lia Rumma Gallery, Naples, Milan; Goodman Gallery, South Africa with the support of Dr. Naomi Milgrom AO, Australia, Photo: Henrik Stromberg

Untere Karlsstrasse 14:
Photo 4 & 5: Walid Raad,
Scratching on Things I could Disavow, 2007-ongoing, mixed media, Courtesy Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut - Hamburg; Paula Cooper Gallery, New York; Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London, Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) with the support of Wiener Festwochen and Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna; Kunstenfestivaldesarts and Les Halles, Brussels; Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin; Le CENTQUATRE and CNAP and Festival d’Automne a Paris, Paris; Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut/Hamburg; Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London; Paula Cooper Gallery, New York., Photo: Anders Sune Berg

Oberste Gasse 4
Photo 6: Abul Qasem Foushanji,
Untitled, 2012, Multi-channel sound installation, black marker pen on wall, Courtesy Abul Qasem Foushanji, Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13), Photo: Henrik Stromberg