
Blankpage Architects + Karim Nader Studio Villa Kali Lebanon

BLANKPAGE Architects, Karim Nader Studio,

Marwan Harmouche,

Mounsef, Lebanon,

Residences, Apartment, Ville,

A villa with a sea view. Blankpage Architects + Karim Nader Studio emphasise the home’s position overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Blankpage Architects + Karim Nader Studio Villa Kali Lebanon

In Mounsef, on the coast of Lebanon about 50 Km north of Beirut, Blankpage Architects + Karim Nader Studio designed a luxurious villa inspired by the nature of the place. The architects reinterpreted the layout of the traditional home, reproducing the same arrangement of the bedrooms around a central courtyard but emphasising natural elements such as sunshine, air and the rocky coast.

But unlike a traditional home, the courtyard of Villa Kali opens up onto the Mediterranean Sea. The construction occupies two sides forming one corner of the courtyard, which contains two volumes creating a visual cone embracing the natural panorama. A series of walkways links the two wings making up the project and forming the central courtyard. The shared space can be opened or closed thanks to a system of sliding doors, around which a number of functions are arranged, such as the gym, kitchen and living room of the home. Through the courtyard, the sea breeze and sunshine fill the house. The sea is visible from all the bedrooms, and the arrangement of the rooms on overlapping levels makes the villa look like the ideal continuation of the reef. The project took Blankpage Architects + Karim Nader Studio four whole years to complete, for the architects designed every single detail of the villa: from the architecture to the interior design and the custom-made furniture.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Blankpage Architects www.blankpagearch.com + Karim Nader www.karimnader.com
Location: Mounsef, Lebanon
Photos: Marwan Harmouche www.marwanharmouche.com