
Alvisi Kirimoto and the exhibition design of "Rivoluzione Vedova" at the M9-Museum of the 20th Century

Alvisi Kirimoto + Partners,

Studio Daido, Marco Cappelletti,

Mestre, Italia,


Emilio Vedova,

From May 5, the M9-Museum of the 20th Century in Mestre, Venice, will host an important exhibition dedicated to the renowned informal artist Emilio Vedova, conceived and designed by the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova, co-produced with the M9-Museum and curated by Gabriella Belli. The exhibition design has been created by the Alvisi Kirimoto architectural firm.

Alvisi Kirimoto and the exhibition design of

A strong and decisive sign: a splinter that invades the available space, gives it a new shape and orients the visitor. Indeed, the concept of the exhibition design created by the Alvisi Kirimoto architecture studio for the important "Rivoluzione Vedova" exhibition, inaugurated on May 4 at the M9-Museum of the 20th Century in Mestre, Venice, makes a clear and direct reference to those distinctive explosions of brushstrokes, materials and gestures that characterise Emilio Vedova's works.

Answering the curator's requests, Gabriella Belli, the exhibition design project conceived by the Alvisi Kirimoto studio begins by giving the available space a new shape and providing visitors with a profound immersive experience. The M9-Museum of the 20th Century offers a 1200-square-metre asymmetrical space and extraordinary natural lighting entering from the museum's shed roof. The architects conceived a strong and decisive sign for this space: a large "splinter" that becomes the central structure of the room. This element, in fact, not only defines three distinct areas, each corresponding to a cycle of works by the artist, but also forms the trait d'union and illustrates to the public the network of relationships existing in Vedova's work. An introductory journey on the artist and on the historical period is set up in the corridor on the second floor leading to the exhibition. Upon entering the room, the visitor is immediately captivated by the "... in continuum, compenetrazioni/traslati '87/'88" work, which occupies the first space drawn by the "splinter". The surfaces designed by Alvisi Kirimoto define and delimit the second area, establishing a close dialogue between the splinter and the 7 elements that make up the work on display: "i Plurimi" from the Absurdes Berliner Tagebuch '64 cycle. In the last section, the large circular canvases of the "i Dischi e i Tondi" cycle of works are arranged floating in space, lying on the ground or hanging from the splinter to orient the visitors' path, enhancing the symbolic value of the work exhibited at the end of this labyrinth: "Chi brucia un libro brucia un uomo", inspired by the destruction of the Sarajevo library in 1992. The exhibit is completed by a series of wall-mounted works tied to specific historical moments of the 1900s.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Alvisi Kirimoto

Project: “Rivoluzione Vedova” exhibition setting
Location: M9-Museo del'900 - Mestre, Italy
Setup design: Alvisi Kirimoto
Project team: Architects Massimo Alvisi, Junko Kirimoto, Silvia Rinalduzzi
Exhibition conceived and designed by: Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova
Co-produced by: Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova and the M9-Museum of the 20th Century
Curated by: Gabriella Belli
Dates: May 5 — November 26, 2023
Visual and Graphic Project: Twin Studio
Virtual Reality: Vitruvio Virtual Reality
Setup: Ottart
Transport: Apice
Lighting: Iguzzini
Photos: ©Marco Cappelletti (exhibition), ©Studio Daido (study models, tile)
Models: Alvisi Kirimoto (study models), Modelab (tile)