Tag Mestre, Italia

Alvisi Kirimoto and the exhibition design of


Alvisi Kirimoto and the exhibition design of "Rivoluzione Vedova" at the M9-Museum of the 20th Century

From May 5, the M9-Museum of the 20th Century in Mestre, Venice, will host an important exhibition dedicated to the renowned informal artist Emilio Vedova, conceived and designed by the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova, co-produced with the M9-Museum and curated by Gabriella Belli. The exhibition design has been created by the Alvisi Kirimoto architectural firm.

La città è di tutti - TRANSLITERA #02


La città è di tutti - TRANSLITERA #02

On 30 November the second edition of Translitera, a series of meetings focusing on urban regeneration organised by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists of Venice in collaboration with Fondazione APPC of Venice and in partnership with M9 – Museo del '900 in Venezia Mestre, opens on 30 November.

Sauerbruch Hutton M9 multimedia museum of the twentieth century in Mestre, Venice


Sauerbruch Hutton M9 multimedia museum of the twentieth century in Mestre, Venice

M9, a new museum of twentieth-century Italian history in Mestre, is more than just a museum: it is an important urban regeneration project by Sauerbruch Hutton, the studio that won the competition on invitation held by Fondazione di Venezia.