
La città è di tutti - TRANSLITERA #02

Mestre, Italia,

riuso, Event, Ricerca,

On 30 November the second edition of Translitera, a series of meetings focusing on urban regeneration organised by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists of Venice in collaboration with Fondazione APPC of Venice and in partnership with M9 – Museo del '900 in Venezia Mestre, opens on 30 November.

La città è di tutti - TRANSLITERA #02

"La città è di tutti!", meaning “The City is for Everyone!”, is the simple, direct exclamation chosen as the title for the second edition of Translitera , recalling the importance of inclusive planning for "fair, open, inclusive and sustainable cities".
Translitera is a series of meetings about urban regeneration, identified as an essential driver for designing the cities of the future. The event looks at the city and living from different points of view, taking into account all the difficulties of the present and of the tough time we have just come through, with its inevitable repercussions for relationships among people and for the quality of our cities and public spaces.

Organised by the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservationists of Venice (Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Venezia), in collaboration with Fondazione APPC of Venice and in partnership with M9 – Museo del '900 in Venezia Mestre, the convention will begin on 30 November in the museum’s Auditorium Cesare De Michelis. Presentations by numerous guests attempt to lay the foundations for a form of inclusive urban planning that takes into account the requirements of all the people who live in our cities.
To improve everyday life for everyone, according to Roberto Beraldo, president of the Order of Architects of Venice, it is essential to take note of everyone’s requirements, and therefore start out by learning to listen, preparing a multidisciplinary response to the needs and critical points thus identified in order to proceed with analysis of the flows and requirements implicit in places. This necessary dialogue also underlines the fact that Italy is missing some essential information required to understand the needs and lifestyles of citizens in various categories, divided according to age, gender, educational qualifications, working conditions and income. Virtuous examples, on the other hand, include the experiences of cities such as Vienna or Berlin, which have a councillor for gender policy. Or the concept of sustainability proposed by Carlos Moreno for Paris and adopted in the urban planning of the cities of Portland and Melbourne, based on the theory that citizens ought to have all the services they need within 15 to 20 minutes of their homes: shops, schools, public spaces and treatment facilities. The event will include presentations by historian and writer Tiziana Plebani, urban planner Marisa Fantin, architect Margherita Manfra of architects’ collective Orizzontale, councillor Pierfrancesco Maran of the City of Milan, Dr. Ezio Manzini of Politecnico di Milano, and Dr. Nicola Flora of Federico II University presenting the urban regeneration experiences implemented in the Sanità district of Naples. The session will be closed by architect Luca Molinari, scientific director of M9 - Museo del '900, with a reflection on contemporary living.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: TRANSLITERA #2 - La città è di tutti
Date: November 30th 2022 10.30 – 18.30
Location: Auditorium Cesare De Michelis, Museo M9 - Museo del '900 in Venezia Mestre (VE)

01 Translitera courtesy of Ordine APPC Venezia
02-03 Prossima Apertura, courtesy of orizzontale ph-Nicola Barbuto (02), ph Alessandro Vitali (03)
04-05 Dal non finto all'opera aperta, courtesy of Lisa Oregioni
06-07 Indagine sui Non Abitanti, courtesy of Stefania Spiazzi