
AKDA Artefact house Noida - India

Sport & Wellness, Residences,

contemporary, Design,



AKDA’s plan for a holiday home is a reflection on the theme of contemporary living in India.

AKDA Artefact house Noida - India
Amit Khanna Design Associates (AKDA) have completed their vacation home project in Noida, India.
The home belongs to an architect and did not need to meet particular architectural requirements, giving studio AKDA an opportunity to experiment with contemporary residential design in India.

The building was designed with local materials (brick), using concrete only in the horizontal surfaces of the ceiling and floor.
The layout of the home is arranged around 3 main blocks or spaces accessed via a "transitional" space between the home and garden, a shady patio which is an ideal extension of the living room into the garden.

The distribution of spaces in the home, the size of the windows and the project as a whole take into account its environment and particularly the climate, to ensure that the home or certain parts of it can be used at different times of year, in different weather conditions.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: Amit Khanna Design Associates (AKDA)
Images: courtesy of Amit Khanna Design Associates
Location: Noida, India
