
20 finalists for the Aga Khan award for architecture



School, Hospitals, Sport & Wellness,

Award, Prize,

The twenty finalists in the Aga Khan award for architecture were announced at the end of April, and the winner will be announced at the awards ceremony coming up in September in Lisbon.

20 finalists for the Aga Khan award for architecture
The winner of the Aga Khan award for architecture will be announced in September. A great variety of different architecture projects are included in the list of 20 finalists: projects built using advanced technologies and traditional building methods, skyscrapers, schools and hospitals.
Most of the projects were built in Africa and Asia, and the architects include Italian studios such as the team consisting of 2A+P/A, IaN+ and Mario Cutuli who built the school named after journalist Maria Grazia Cutuli in Herat, Afghanistan and Tamassociati, the studio responsible for designing Salam Heart Surgery Centre operated by the Italian NGO Emergency in Khartoum, Sudan.

The Award’s Director Farrokh Derakhshani emphasised that the jury focused on the human dimension and the durability of the buildings. The award aims not only to add to the visibility of excellence in architecture but to present projects that permit an improvement in the quality of life of their users and the society in which they are built.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of AKAA (Aga Khan Award for Architecture)
