
Winy Maas MVRDV The Future City is Flexible, Dutch Design Week

MVRDV, Winy Maas, The Why Factory,

Ossip van Duivenbode,

Eindhoven, Netherlands,


A positive message about future cities comes from Dutch Design Week, currently underway in Eindhoven. Architect Winy Maas is one of the ambassadors of the event and curator of the (W)ego installation with The Why Factory

Winy Maas MVRDV The Future City is Flexible, Dutch Design Week

Dutch Design week is currently underway until 29th October in Eindhoven . Architect Winy Maas, founder of the MVRDV architecture studio is one of the ambassadors of the 2017 edition and co-curator of four initiatives that explore the future of cities.

A feature of Dutch Design Week is its focus on experimentation and innovation towards design for the future and new talents. It is an optimistic message with a great deal of trust in the ability of design and designers to solve problems through a flexible, multidisciplinary approach that finds innovative solutions to complex problems in the modern world.
The products of cities of the future are the theme of The Future City is Wide created by Winy Maas with The Why Factory. Copy Paste is a bad "guide" to becoming a "Starchitect", an invitation for an in-depth architectural analysis of the work of predecessors against the obsession for the new, because “ The Future City has Memories”.
Here we come, curated by Winy Maas and MVRDV, The Why Factory, Gemeente Eindhoven, TU Eindhoven and Dutch Design Week, is a masterclass with an exhibition centred on Eindhoven and on planning the city of the future, whose subtitle is The future city is intense.

The Future City is Flexible is the subtitle of the (W)ego installation designed by Winy Maas with The Why Factory. It is an ideal home, 9 metres high with nine extremely colourful rooms where everyday actions are performed in limited spaces. The inherent invitation is to dialogue with others and to overcome one’s ego). Through flexibility and a dialogue with our neighbours, “ego” becomes “Wego&rdquo, and we can have new experiences in order to use the limited space available to us in the best possible way.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Architects (W)ego: Winy Maas + The Why Factory
Place: Eindhoven, NL
Images courtesy of MVRDV, ph Ossip van Duivenbode
