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SHAU - Daliana Suryawinata & Florian Heinzelmann


SHAU - Daliana Suryawinata & Florian Heinzelmann

Daliana Suriawinata and Florian Heinzelmann, partners both in work and life, along with Tobias Hofmann in 2009 established their own-independent architecture firm, SHAU, operating in the Netherlands, Germany, and from 2012 also in Indonesia. 

SHAU: Alun-alun Kejaksan Square, Cirebon, Indonesia


SHAU: Alun-alun Kejaksan Square, Cirebon, Indonesia

Lots of different places on a single site: this is how we might describe the importance of this social cohesion project by Dutch studio SHAU in Alun-alun Kejaksan Square in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.

Bima, the micro-library by SHAU in Indonesia


Bima, the micro-library by SHAU in Indonesia

What do ice-cream tubs have to do with literacy levels? They become an integral element of the Bima micro-library designed by the SHAU architecture studio in the Bima district of Bandung on the island of Java, Indonesia as part of its “100 Micro-libraries” programme.