Tag Schran Images

TAO: Qingyijiang Road Elementary School, Deyang, China


TAO: Qingyijiang Road Elementary School, Deyang, China

A grid-shaped layout and abundant natural light are at the heart of the Qingyijiang Road Elementary School in Deyang, Sichuan. TAO - Trace Architecture Office - has designed a spread-out educational centre with volumes featuring rooftops inspired by an art gallery, distinguishing the different ages that its pupils grow and develop through.

Imperial Kiln Museum di Studio Zhu-Pei, history and materials


Imperial Kiln Museum di Studio Zhu-Pei, history and materials

The Imperial Kiln Museum, designed by Studio Zhu-Pei is located in Jingdezhen, renowned for its Chinese porcelain, stands out for its handmade brick vaults. The architecture is reminiscent of the shape of the kilns and even incorporates archaeological relics in the museum project.

Trace Architecture Office: Huandao Middle School, Haikou


Trace Architecture Office: Huandao Middle School, Haikou

A city within a city, with free spaces and secret corners to stimulate the imagination. This is the philosophy that inspired Hua Li of TAO Trace Architecture Office in the design of Huandao Middle School in Haikou (China), arising out of a survey of middle school pupils and teachers.