Tag Micro Housing

House of timber, steel and polyolefin


House of timber, steel and polyolefin

A house made of steel, timber and polyolefin by LDA.iMdA. Architetti associati evoking the archetypal child’s drawing of a home.

A jewel in a garden made of wood and glass by Tsuruta Architects


A jewel in a garden made of wood and glass by Tsuruta Architects

Expanding into the garden with a dining room of wood and glass

Stone Solar Studio, pragmatic sustainability


Stone Solar Studio, pragmatic sustainability

Stone Solar Studio is a modern, eco-friendly Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU). The project with the International Living Futures Institute’s (IFLI) zero energy certification and eye-catching appeal was designed by Wittman Estes Architecture + Landscape with NODE, which builds high-tech prefabs, both based in Seattle.

<strong>SPEED & SUSTAINABILITY</strong><br />



"There are just some things you have to learn through experience…when you work for yourself, you have to pay for all the mistakes you do”, Jinhee Park, SsD.