Tag Festival International Des Jardins

Flower Power, 26th International Garden Festival


Flower Power, 26th International Garden Festival

From 20 April to 5 November 2017 Domain Chaumont in the Loire valley in France is hosting the 26th Festival International des Jardins with a promising title: “Flower Power / Le Pouvoir des Fleurs”.

Chaumont-sur-Loire's ninth art season opens


Chaumont-sur-Loire's ninth art season opens

Chaumont-sur-Loire is known for its park that hosts the Festival International des Jardins every year.

Festival International des Jardins, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire


Festival International des Jardins, Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

Only a few weeks left to enjoy a show that pushes all the excitement buttons for green thumbs, landscape enthusiasts and anyone who just loves gardens and green spaces: The Festival International des Jardins at the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire in France closes on 2 November.

Festival International des Jardins, Chaumont-sur-Loire


Festival International des Jardins, Chaumont-sur-Loire

The Festival International des Jardins in Chaumont-sur-Loire is a fantastic festival and a real must for gardening lovers and landscape architects.