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Day trips from Expo Milano 2015


Day trips from Expo Milano 2015

Inside and outside Expo 2015: Day trips to take by train from Milan to admire architectural wonders and sample local delicacies. From the theme of Expo Milano 2015, food, to architecture.

The Angolan Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015


The Angolan Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

The Angolan pavilion was one of the first three pavilions completed for Expo 2015. The African country chose the theme: "Food and Culture: Educate to Innovate", proposed in an architectural concept based on a reproduction of the African baobab: the imbondeiro.

MosBuild 2015 Moscow. Floornature on tour


MosBuild 2015 Moscow. Floornature on tour

The annual April date with MosBuild is almost upon us, and this year’s building and architecture show will be staged in the consolidated two-week format: Design and Décor and Building and Architecture.

Austrian pavilion at Expo Milano 2015


Austrian pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

The Austrian pavilion for Expo Milano 2015 presented on the weekend of February 21 - 22 focuses on the theme "breathe.austria" in a pavilion which is an "air production centre".

Slovenian Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015


Slovenian Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

The Slovenian Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 was designed by SoNo arhitekti d.o.o. around the theme "I feel SLOVENIA. Green. Active. Healthy.", recalling the natural beauty of Slovenia - the perfect setting for a healthy, active lifestyle.

arcVision Prize Women and Architecture and Women for Expo


arcVision Prize Women and Architecture and Women for Expo

Architect Odile Decq attended the presentation of the arcVision Prize, Women and Architecture. The third edition of the competition established to draw attention to women in architecture included announcement of an agreement with WE-Women for Expo, an Expo Milano 2015 project for building a worldwide network of women focusing on the Expo theme: Feed the planet.

Italian architecture at the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015


Italian architecture at the Mies van der Rohe Award 2015

Sono 9 le architetture italiane nominate tra le 420 concorrenti al Mies van der Rohe Award 2015, il premio dell'Unione Europea per l'architettura contemporanea.

The Best of the Week: Milan


The Best of the Week: Milan

The city of Milan, host of Expo 2015 and much more, is the common thread running through many of this week’s news articles in Floornature, starting with the new image of Spaziofmg, Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s gallery in Milan, a real physical place where you can meet Floornature’s editorial staff.

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