
Sheila O'Donnell & John Tuomey win the 2015 Royal Gold Medal for Architecture

Norman Foster, Frank Gehry, Frank Lloyd Wright,


Sport & Wellness,

RIBA has announced the winners of the 2015 Royal Gold Medal for Architecture: Irish architects Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey. The prestigious award for lifetime achievement has in the past been awarded to Frank Gehry (2000), Sir Norman Foster (1983) and Frank Lloyd Wright (1941).

Sheila O'Donnell & John Tuomey win the 2015 Royal Gold Medal for Architecture

The 2015Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, an award for lifetime achievement presented to architects who have directly or indirectly had an impact on the progress of architecture, has been awarded to Irish architects Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey. The award will be presented in a ceremony scheduled for February 3, 2015.

The Irish architects’ illustrious predecessors include Frank Gehry in 2000, Norman Foster (1983), Frank Lloyd Wright (1941) and George Gilbert Scott (1859).
After working together in prestigious architectural practices such as Stirling Wilford Associates and Colquhoun & Miller, in 1988 Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey founded their own practice in Dublin, combining design work with teaching, publications and exhibitions. The two architects have exhibited their work at the Architecture Biennale in Venice three times and have been shortlisted as finalists for the Riba Stirling Prize five times: their most recent award, presented in 2014, was for Saw Swee Hock students’ centre at the London School of Economics.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Riba