
Milano Expo 2015 - Cascina Merlata


Residences, Ville, Barn, Expo,

Architects Paolo Caputo and Antonio Citterio have presented their masterplan for the Cascina Merlata district, a project oriented toward the principles of sustainability and use of technologies that reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.

Milano Expo 2015 - Cascina Merlata
Architects Paolo Caputo and Antonio Citterio presented their masterplan for Cascina Merlata, a new district financed by EuroMilano to be built in an area near the Expo 2015 district and the Rho-Pero Fiera Milano exhibition centre. The new urban district presented on March 24 2011 will house the Expo 2015 Village, which will later be converted into homes and service facilities. The architects? intention is to build a neighbourhood that fits into its surroundings and is open to the reality around it. The masterplan includes constructions with a variety of different functions: homes, shops, hotels and service facilities, all arranged around a big park and built on the basis of advanced principles of environmental sustainability and energy conservation.

Design: Paolo Caputo + Antonio Citterio
Location: Milan, Italy
Images: courtesy of Paolo Capunto, Antonio Citterio, EuroMilano
