
Milano Design Week and Supersalone: design restarts from Milan

Stefano Boeri Architetti,



International design returns to Milan from 5 to 10 September After the postponements and cancellations due to the difficult pandemic months, the Italian city wishes to regain its central role on the international design scene, and does so with the new format, curated by architect Stefano Boeri, for Salone del Mobile.Milano and with the events of the Milano Design Week, from 4 to 10 September.

Milano Design Week and Supersalone: design restarts from Milan

Not a preview of the Salone del Mobile.Milano to be held in April 2022 but an event with a completely new name and format, which intends to reaffirm the centrality of Milan, and Salone del Mobile.Milano, on the international design, cultural and innovation scene. This is the intention of “Supersalone” to be held from 5 to 10 September at the Milan Fairgrounds, Rho, which will be curated by architect Stefano Boeri with an international team of five co-designers: Andrea Caputo, Maria Cristina Didero, Anniina Koivu, Lukas Wegwerth and Studio Folder (with Marco Ferrari and Elisa Pasqual).

Supersalone" is open to the general public and not just industry professionals and, in compliance with Italian health protocols to combat the spread of the coronavirus, is in the format of a “large design library”. The Milan Fairgrounds, Rho will contain not stands but long parallel partitions, designed to accommodate the different product sectors and consisting of elements intended to be dismantled and reused. On these vertical walls, and on horizontal surfaces, also modular, companies will display their identities and products (innovations, creations of the last few months and historic products). It will all be organized like a huge archive, where visitors will be able to move around freely, exploring and discovering Italian and international products, examples of excellence, creativity and know-how.
The display in the fairgrounds will be broken up by areas for specific functions and themed areas that will contaminate the exhibition with talks with leading figures on the contemporary scene and live music events. Moreover a green area with 200 trees will welcome visitors at the East Gate of the fairgrounds; these belong to the Forestami project and at the end of the Supersalone they will be planted in Milan’s metropolitan area.

The “Supersalone” will also have a city center hub in the Museo del Design Italiano di Triennale Milano, which will host the exhibition curated by Mario Piazza on the history of the Salone del Mobile.Milano and the cultural products it has created in the city to convey the message of design to the public. What’s more, from 3 September until 7 November 2021, Triennale Milano will present an exhibition on Carlo Mollino and the furnishings from Casa Albonico.

From 4 to 10 September, a number of Design Week projects and events will be held in the city’s traditional design districts.
Tortona, for example, will host the presentation of “IN - OUT, perception of sustainability", a project sponsored by Torneria Tortona and Tortona Locations that celebrates design as a promoter of innovation. The exhibitors involved will present projects featuring innovative materials, artificial intelligence, environmental protection, implementation of circular economy practices, etc.

The heart of the Brera Design District will star in a maxi-installation that will transform the parvis and cloister of the Church of San Marco a Brera into an area of lush vegetation, a green oasis that will house the 4th edition of dOT-design Outdoor Taste, an iconic Fuorisalone event dedicated to lovers of gardens and outdoor living. The theme of this new edition will be “travel”, interpreted in settings that evoke different atmospheres, from beaches to country chic corners and from mountain views to city-center terraces, connected by a central pedestrian and cycle way and the urban square.

(Agnese Bifulco)

01 Logo Supersalone courtesy of Supersalone Salone del Mobile.Milano
02-05 Museo del Design Italiano by Triennale Milano, photo by Gianluca Di Ioia
06-08 Tortona Design Week_IN - OUT, perception of sustainability (06) ICONA Design Group_design automotive, (07) Nitto, (08) Nitto Labyrinth
09-12 dOT-design Outdoor Taste