
Masquespacio – Ana Milena Hernández Palacios

Paolo Schianchi,

Market, Companies, Sport & Wellness,


Masquespacio, Ana Milena Hernández Palacios,

The object communicates, it is an image, and designers, architects and artists are venturing into this new creative frontier. Ana Milena Hernández Palacios speaks from her point of view as Visual Designer.

Masquespacio – Ana Milena Hernández Palacios

Just how important is visual marketing or visual design in your creative process?
All our projects start out by approaching the client’s brand, with in-depth research into its identity in relation to its target clientele. In our opinion, Design and Marketing ought to go hand in hand. Our team includes a number of people from different disciplines, including marketing experts. We view design and creativity as part of marketing strategy, essential for any brand that wants to create the right image for itself to attract its target.

Physical and cultural context is an image; do you include or exclude it in your projects? And why?
Physical and cultural context is always a part of our projects. We design concepts for brands, and it is all based on study and research of the brand itself, its market, its competitors and its target. Some brands are designed to attract the general public, others for an exclusive niche. Physical context and cultural aspects are part of this, and they must be reflected in the image projected.

· How much influence do space and time have in your designs?
The space to be designed is always the starting point for our interior design projects, because any project has to start out with the features of the space, independently of brand identity. We don’t want to design an interior as an idea randomly thrown out into space, but as an overall concept, starting with the space to be built. This is why we treat the spaces in a historic building as non-invasively as possible, aiming to underline their natural beauty; whereas there are other spaces which must be totally redesigned to be efficient. Project timing is important too. As we create commercial spaces, project implementation time must be minimised to keep costs down and ensure the right ROI (return on investment).

Is it possible to tell the truth in a design?
We like to tell a story in our designs. A story based on the identity our customer wants to convey. We think that every space ought to generate an experience that will encourage customers to buy a product or use a service. Without a story, we cannot create an emotional experience. We see space as a reflection of the brand, the company and the people who work there.

(Paolo Schianchi)


All images by David Rodríguez (http://www.cualiti.es)

NOTE: In this series of interviews we talk to prominent people in the world of design to encourage debate.