
Mario Botta fontana albero vittori_ALE Dynamic Landscapes

Mario Botta,

Sport & Wellness, Museums,


vittori_ALE is a tree-fountain Mario Botta designed for "Paesaggi Dinamici" or “Dynamic Landscapes”, the third event in the series known as “d'Annunzio e i Giardini di Pan”, which will also include a live performance by artist Dario Ballantini and an exhibition at Museo d'Annunzio Segreto.

Mario Botta fontana albero vittori_ALE Dynamic Landscapes

The third edition of d’Annunzio e i Giardini di Pan opened on June 4, dedicated to "Paesaggi dinamici" – “Dynamic landscapes”.
The event, promoted by EN SPACE network, Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani and Associazione GardaMusei, will address the topics of landscape and artifice, nature and movement, mechanics, creativity, and love of nature, with architect Mario Botta as testimonial. The famous Swiss architect has designed a site-specific work for the occasion: the vittori_ALE tree-fountain.
The fountain is a homage to D'Annunzio amidst the waterfalls and fountains of the Vallette del Parco del Vittoriale. 2.5 m tall and 2 m wide, it is made of steel covered with a ceramic mosaic, and is a contemporary symbol of D’Annunzio’s poetic love of nature in perennial motion.

The show, which continues until October 31, also includes: an artistic performance by Dario Ballantini, who decorated a staircase designed by architect Gian Carlo Maroni at the top of Valletta dell’Acqua Savia live on June 4, the exhibition “Nature, Myth, Speed” at Museo d'Annunzio Segreto and a convention on the topic of “Communicating Vessels. Landscape as connection between arts, crafts and living beingsscheduled for October, featuring artistic performances of various kinds.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Paesaggi Dinamici
Il Vittoriale degli Italiani (via Vittoriale 12) - Gardone Riviera (BS) Italy
June 04 - October 31 2016