
Luminotherapie Impulsion light and sound installation in Montreal

Martine Doyon,

Sport & Wellness,


On the occasion of Luminothérapie, an annual winter event in Montréal, the Place des Festivals hosts a big collective game: Impulsion. The installation is made up of 30 swings on which children and adults can play with light and sound until January 31.

Luminotherapie Impulsion light and sound installation in Montreal

Quartier des spectacles, created in 2007, is a showcase of vitality for the city of Montréal. Located east of the city centre, it contains some of the city’s most important cultural institutions as well as numerous performance halls.
In parallel to the cultural events offered by these institutions and performance halls, Quartier des Spectacles offers a series of initiatives for animation of public spaces. The most important of these is Luminothérapie, an initiative first held in 2010 in which an annual design competition is held to choose an installation + videoprojection for the Montréal winter.

The winner for winter 2015-2016 is Impulsion, an installation designed by Lateral Office and CS Design in partnership with EGP Group. Impulsion transformed the “Place des Festivals”, the centre of the event, into a big playground. The installation is made up of 30 swings which look different when in motion. Passers- by play on the swings and become artists and musicians, creating constantly changing light waves and sounds. A series of nine video projectors projects images and sounds on the facades of important buildings in the area recalling the swings, linked with the architectural notions of balance – imbalance, symmetry – asymmetry, tension-harmony.

(Agnese Bifulco)

IMPULSION: Lateral Office & CS Design, + EGP Group
Sound concept: Mitchell Akiyama
Mechanical concept and production: Générique Design
Electronic production and interactivity: Robocut Studio
Video projections: Maotik + Iregular

Images courtesy of Quartier des Spectacles - Montréal. Photo by Martine Doyon, Ulysse Lemerise OSA
