
La Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano redesigned by Guido Canali


Factories, Sport & Wellness, Museums,

Architect Guido Canali came up with the plan for reorganisation of the Museum of the Duomo in Milan. His project underlines how every little detail, sign and spatial element can give rise to an architectural thought of historical continuity.

La Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano redesigned by Guido Canali

Architect Guido Canali saw the plan for the new cathedral museum, Grande Museo del Duomo, as an opportunity to represent the history of the city of Milan. Now the works of art and collections accumulated over the cathedral’s eight centuries of history have been given a new form of spatial narration.
The installation is entirely located in the Palazzo Reale, in spaces made available by the City of Milan but renovated by the Veneranda Fabbrica.

The restoration project took about two years and was planned with a great deal of respect for the centuries of history represented by the spaces and walls of the building containing it. The aim was to organise the spaces in the best possible way on the basis of the exhibition route, while at the same time telling the story of the building’s history.
It is interesting to note how content and container come together in a single project. The museum itself becomes the key to interpreting and understanding the Duomo , the cathedral of the city of Milan: it’s important role in religion, culture, education and service, as well as its exceptional spatial qualities and the importance of its image on the city scene.