
Gio Ponti Loving Architecture at Maxxi and other exhibitions open again

Gio Ponti,

Rome, Milan,


Museums, foundations and galleries are finally reopening to the public following the lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic. Their calendars have undergone some major changes, from Maxxi in Rome, where the exhibition "Gio Ponti – Loving Architecture” has reopened, to Triennale di Milano, which continues its “Decameron: stories in streaming” project. Let us look at a number of architecture-related exhibitions announced in Floornature.

Gio Ponti Loving Architecture at Maxxi and other exhibitions open again

Museums, foundations, galleries and other cultural spaces are finally reopening to the public, with new restrictions on access and changed calendars, following the suspension due to lockdown. We take another look at a number of architecture-related exhibitions announced in Floornature, starting in Rome, where Maxxi Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo presents "Gio Ponti - Amare l'architettura" ("Gio Ponti – Loving Architecture”), a major retrospective marking the fortieth anniversary of the death of Gio Ponti, a key figure in twentieth-century Italian architecture. Designer of items for everyday use, spatial solutions for the home and complex urban projects such as the Pirelli skyscraper in Milan and Taranto cathedral, Gio Ponti was a multi-faceted figure who made an important mark on a number of continents as an architect, designer, writer, poet, critic and all-round artist. The exhibition reopens after the lockdown with new dates, extended until 27 September 2020.

At MACTE – Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Termoli, the exhibition Nanda Vigo Light Project 2020, the last exhibition project to be made by the late architect and artist in person, looks back at the highlights in artist’s career since the seventies and her study and experimentation in the fields of architecture, art and design. The exhibition has been extended until 13 September 2020, with free admission until 30 June 2020.
Triennale di Milano never stopped offering the public cultural content experimenting with new forms of interaction. The Triennale has offered “Decameron: storie in streaming”, based on an idea by the curator of the new Museo Permanente del Design, Joseph Grima, inspired by the expedient underlining the narrative structure of Boccaccio’s Decameron. Every day since 5 March the Triennale’s Instagram channel has live streamed stories by artists, designers, architects, intellectuals, musicians, singers, writers, directors and reporters, each telling his or her own “novella” offering interesting new food for thought about contemporary life and the future. The initiative will continue until 1 June 2020.

The exhibition "Balkrishna Doshi - Architecture for the People", about the work of Balkrishna Doshi, who became the first Indian architect to win the Pritzker Prize in 2018 and is one of the two most important Indian Modernists, at the Architekturzentrum in Vienna, reopens to the public on 29 May, continuing until the end of August 2020.
The following exhibitions have been extended at the Vitra campus in Weil am Rhein: Home Stories: 100 Years, 20 Visionary Interiors until 28 February 2021 at the Vitra Design Museum; until 18 April 2021 the Vitra Schaudepot hosts "Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe", an exhibition about the work of one of Italy’s most influential post-war architects and designers.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of MAXXI, photo by: Ettore Ferrari courtesy of ANSA (01-02-04-05) courtesy of Gio Ponti Archives (03)
Images courtesy of Archivio Nanda Vigo (06-07)
Images courtesy of Architekturzentrum Wien, photo by Iwan Baan (08)
Images courtesy of Archivio Gae Aulenti and Vitra Design Museum, photo Hans Visser (10)

Title: GIO PONTI. Amare l'architettura / GIO PONTI. Loving architecture
Date: 27.11.2019 - 27.09.2020
curated by Maristella Casciato and Fulvio Irace with Margherita Guccione, Salvatore Licitra, Francesca Zanella
in collaboration with CSAC – Study centre and archive of communications at Parma University, Gio Ponti Archives
Location: MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo Rome
www.maxxi.art | www.csacparma.it | www.gioponti.org |

Title: Nanda Vigo Light Project 2020
Date: 28.02.2020 – 13.09.2020
Curated by Laura Cherubini with Archivio Nanda Vigo
Location: MACTE – Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Termoli – Italy https://www.fondazionemacte.com/

Title: Balkrishna Doshi - Architecture for the People
a project by the Vitra Design Museum and the Wüstenrot Foundation, in cooperation with the Vastushilpa Foundation
Curator: Khushnu Panthaki Hoof
Curator, Vitra Design Museum: Jolanthe Kugler
Date: 29.05.2020 –29.06.2020
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien. Vienna https://www.azw.at/

Title: Home Stories: 100 Years, 20 Visionary Interiors
Date: 08.02.2020 – 28.02.2021
Location: Vitra Design Museum www.design-museum.de

Title: Gae Aulenti: A Creative Universe
Curated by Tanja Cunz
Date: 29.02.2020 – 18.04.2021
Location: Vitra Schaudepot www.design-museum.de