
Future : Architettura e(s)t Paysage exhibition. stARTT practice

Paris, Rome,

Landscape, Sport & Wellness,


The Italian Cultural Institute of Paris is presenting 8 recent projects by the stARTT group of architects to the French public.

Future : Architettura e(s)t Paysage exhibition. stARTT practice

The exhibition, which is curated by Pippo Ciorra, director of architecture exhibitions at MAXXI, introduces the French public to the work of the young group of architects known as stARTT (an acronym of Studio di Architettura e Trasformazioni Territoriali). The practice was set up in 2008 in Rome by architects Simone Capra and Claudio Castaldo, who were later joined by Francesco Colangeli and Dario Scaravelli.

The practice has received prestigious awards, including the Prix Nib (New Italian Blood) and the YAP MAXXI prize 2011, awarded by Rome's MAXXI museum and MoMA New York. stARTT won for WHATAMI, a design project for the external spaces at MAXXI in summer 2011.

The design for the Architecture e(s)t Paysage exhibition by the stARTT practice is based around a series of mobile, modular “islands”, tables and showcases are used to display drawings, photos and models outlining the work of the architects. Instruments and techniques taken from the artistic disciplines (particularly photography and landscape design) are applied to architecture.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Future : Architecture e(s)t Paysage. stARTT practice /
Future : Architecture is/and Landscape. stARTT
practice Dates: 27th February - 26th April 2013
Location: Italian Cultural Institute of Paris - France
