
European patent for Active

Offices, Sport & Wellness, Market,


Europe has officially recognised the scientific innovation Active contributes to ceramic tiles, granting and publishing patent no. EP2443076 on April 9th.

European patent for Active

The European Patents Office has recognised the inventive activity underlying the creation of Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic™ photocatalytic material and its production process, and granted patent no. EP2443076.
Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic™ was created in 2009 to respond to the need for ceramic tiles combining aesthetic qualities with the ability to play an active role in reduction of atmospheric pollution: a process made possible by photocatalysis of titanium dioxide.

The patent issued for Active is a patent for an industrial invention or utility model, a type of patent which is only granted after passing strict tests demonstrating the innovative nature of the product.
The European examiners found that compared to other materials present on the market, in ACTIVE titanium dioxide is fixed onto ceramic tiles in the form of micrometric particles.
Use of micrometric rather than nanometric particles excludes all risks to human health at all stages in production and use of the ceramic material, making ACTIVE tiles the ideal choice for reconciling aesthetic requirements with concrete commitment to protecting human health and the environment.
