
Coop Himmelblau Wolf D. Prix Musée des Confluences Lyon, France

Sport & Wellness, Auditorium, Museums,

Musée des Confluences, the museum of natural history in Lyon, France designed by coop himmelb(l)au, the studio of architect Wolf D. Prix, opened recently.

Coop Himmelblau Wolf D. Prix Musée des Confluences Lyon, France

A museum is of course a container for things, but its primary purpose is to transfer knowledge; and right from the competition phase this was the concept that inspired the plans for the Musée des Confluences, the museum of natural history in Lyon, France, built by coop himmelb(l)au under the guidance of architect Wolf D. Prix.

The building was constructed on a peninsula where the Rhone and the Saone flow together, a very special site which was artificially amplified 100 years ago and involved major technical challenges. The architects gave the museum a complex geometry in an iconic construction that has become a key landmark for urban development.
Guided by the concept that the construction must not hinder the flow of visitors from the Pointe du Confluent district, the architects worked on a complex volume which is built on supports so that it appears to float over a public space. The construction appears to be divided into three main parts: a slightly raised base, two auditoriums and work areas.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Design: COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner ZT GmbH
Location: Lyon – France

Images courtesy of coop himmelb(l)au © Duccio Malagamba
