
Construction Union’s Hi-Pop Tea Store

Construction Union,

Ouyang Yun,

Guangdong, China,

Store, Bar,

Chinese architecture and interior design studio Construction Union designed a Tea Store in Foshan, in China’s Guangdong region: a very unusual concept store, much more eccentric than you might imagine.

Construction Union’s Hi-Pop Tea Store

The Chinese city of Foshan has a street called CD street which was packed with fashion and music stores in the nineties, a cult place for youth. Twenty years later, somebody has decided to attract young people back to the street by opening a teahouse designed by Construction Union.

A teahouse may not sound like the best thing for attracting a youthful target, but this is where the project becomes interesting. Forget all the soft, minimalist, relaxing zen images that will have come to mind upon reading the word "teahouse"!

As the name Hi-Pop suggests, the teahouse is as energetic and dynamic a place as you could imagine. Bright yellow walls, shiny black tiles, neon signs and ultra-modern furniture give the space an eccentric, agitated tone designed specifically to attract young people and, say the architects, to speed up customer turnover.

Francesco Cibati

Location: Foshan, Guangdong, China
Year: 2016
Project: Construction Union
Team: Chen Xiejin, Wenwei, Xiong Lifen
Photos: Ouyang Yun