
C.F. Møller Landscape Aalborg Waterfront Denmark

C.F. Møller,

Aalborg, Denmark,

Landscape, Sport & Wellness, University,

The Aalborg Waterfront project by C.F. Møller Landscape establishes a new relationship between the city and the nearby fjord, using the urban fabric to link the medieval city centre with its natural context – a relationship that was complicated in the past by the presence of an industrial port with heavy traffic.

C.F. Møller Landscape Aalborg Waterfront Denmark

C.F. Møller Landscape recently completed the second part of Aalborg Waterfront; the first part of the project was completed between 2004 and 2013 in partnership with Vibeke Rønnow Landscape Architects.
As in the first part of the project, in the second part the key concept is the walkway, which is continued to unite all the elements it encounters as it proceeds, including new buildings such as the Musikkens Hus, the “music house” in Aalborg deigned by Coop Himmelblau and completed in 2014.

The path/promenadeunwinds through open spaces with typical local tree species of the fjords of northern Jutland, creating luxurious green areas, and is combined with a slightly curved foundation plinth. The plinth collects and therefore unites a series of unrelated constructions, including the university buildings, student housing and the music centre. The square in front of the Musikkens Hus is built on a separate rectangular plinth made out of different materials. The plinths serve an important urban function, protecting the buildings against possible floods, and create places serving a variety of different functions, such as seats sheltered from the wind.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Landscape: C.F. Møller Landscape
Collaborators: ÅF Hansen & Henneberg, lighting design
Location: Aalborg, Denmark
Images courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects, photographer Joergen True
