
Woodstock, the Design District of Cape Town, South Africa.




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  3. Woodstock, the Design District of Cape Town, South Africa.

Woodstock, the Design District of Cape Town, South Africa.
With the Milan Furniture Show approaching, Livegreenblog, together with Floornature.com, official supporter of the UIA 2014 world congress in Durban, takes a look at the design district Cape Town: Woodstock.

Woodstock is a Cape Town suburb that was historically a manufacturing neighbourhood with affordable housing for workers. Unfortunately, as factories closed, it became increasingly rundown and impoverished but design-driven social change has now stemmed this tide.

The “creative revolution” first began when a disused biscuit factory, The Old Biscuit Mill, was renovated, and turned into a location for design studios and venue for the weekly neighbourhood market, injecting new life into this neighbourhood on the city’s outskirts. 

Now, numerous design businesses, agencies, galleries and eateries have popped up along Albert Road, between the central city and the old biscuit mill – making it a paradise for lovers of indie design and for the general public to personally connect with creative artists.

So, the Woodstock Design District has turned into an “in” place to visit for anyone who loves fine design, particularly this year, with Cape Town being the World Capital of Design 2014.

Photography: © Jan Ras for Visi – Courtesy of wdccapetown2014.com


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