
3rd Edition of PIAM, the Matimex International Award for Architecture


Sport & Wellness,

Prize, Matimex, Award,

"Arquitectura del Equilibrio. Mens sana in corpore sano” is the theme of the third edition of PIAM: Premio Internacional de Arquitectura Matimex, the Matimex International Award for Architecture. The ideas competition was established to promote and underline the versatility of the Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group’s ceramic materials in architecture and interior design.

3rd Edition of PIAM, the Matimex International Award for Architecture

Inspired by Juvenal’s famous motto, "Mens sana in corpore sano", PIAM - Premio Internacional de Arquitectura Matimex invites architecture professionals and students to reflect on the Architecture of Balance, coming up with design proposals using large ceramic slabs made by the Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group.
Use of ACTIVE Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic products with their outstanding ecological and antibacterial features is a particularly appreciated feature, but not compulsory in the choice of materials for use in the project.
The first edition of the contest was held in 2015, and the results are recorded in the book PIAM - Make Your Award - Be An Architect. This year, in the third edition, the ideas competition is open to buildings constructed for the promotion of health of both mind (libraries, training centres, spaces for meditation, study and reflection and places of worship) and the body (gyms, sports facilities, spas, alternative treatment centres, beauty institutes, medical centres). Architecture professionals and students are asked to design spaces that satisfy the need for "holistic wellness", as body and mind are united in a single indivisible whole: the human being.

PIAM offers two prizes in each category: professionals (1st Prize: 3000 euros;, 2nd Prize: 1000 euros;) and students (1st Prize: 1000 euros;, 2nd Prize: 500 euros; ) and two honourable mentions for professionals only.
The contest rules and registration methods (the deadline is May 8, 2017) are available at: http://www.premiosmatimex.es/. Prizes will be awarded by a panel of judges including architecture and ceramics professionals: Federica Minozzi (CEO of Iris Ceramica Group, Italy), Juan-Luis Grafulla (General Manager of Matimex), Nini Andrade Silva (artist and interior designer with Atelier Nini Andrade Silva - Portugal), Jacinto Arenas Serna (architect with Ares Arquitectos - Mexico), Carlos Lamela De Vargas (architect with Estudio Lamela), Isabel López-Vilalta (interior designer with Isabel López-Vilalta + Asociados), and Carlos Martín Ramírez (architect with L35 Arquitectos Madrid).
The awards ceremony will be held in the summer of 2017.