
"10 Journeys through Italian Architecture" exhibition at Triennale di Milano



Triennale di Milano,

At the Triennale di Milano, an exhibition opened its doors to the public on October 1, to tell the story of Italy’s contemporary architectural heritage through photographs taken along 10 routes that cross the Italian peninsula. The images were captured by photographers under 40 and are part of an initiative promoted by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea (DGCC) of the Italian Ministry of Culture, which implements the Atlante Architettura Contemporanea platform.

From October 1 to November 7 of this year, the spaces of the Triennale Milano are hosting the exhibition entitled "10 Viaggi nell'Architettura Italiana" (10 Journeys through Italian Architecture), promoted by the Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea (DGCC) of the Italian Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea and the Triennale Milano. The exhibition, curated by Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandra Cerroti and Luciano Antonino Scuderi, presents a selection of 110 images, captured along 10 routes that cross the entire Italian peninsula to tell the story of its contemporary architectural heritage.
The selection of shots on display is part of a corpus of almost 3000 photographs taken between 2019 and 2020 by photographers Roberto Boccaccino, Marina Caneve, Davide Cossu, Louis De Belle, Luca Girardini and Marco Zorzanello, Paolo Lindozzi, Allegra Martin, Simone Mizzotti, Flavia Rossi and Alberto Sinigaglia. The work was contracted out following a public selection promoted by the DGCC to implement the "Atlante Architettura Contemporanea" platform, created by the same Directorate General in 2018.

The goal of the Atlante Architettura Contemporanea (Atlas of Contemporary Architecture) is to map and disseminate the knowledge of contemporary Italian architecture to a broad general public and not only to specialists, drawing attention to an important heritage of architectural works created from the second half of the 20th century to today, which must be recognised and attributed a shared cultural value that needs to be preserved. Works that are being narrated and documented through the photographic language because, as Dario Franceschini, the Italian Minister of Culture explains: "Photography and architecture once again prove to be perfectly complementary to one another, capable as they are of interpreting and capturing light, shapes and volumes".
"Architecture and photography are two closely related disciplines – continues Stefano Boeri, President of the Triennale Milano – Photography has the ability, and the power, to narrate the architectures, focusing as much on the detail, as on the overall vision, on the relationship and dialogue between a building, the pre-existing context and the surrounding environment and on how the architectures are used by those who experience them on a daily basis."
The exhibition also provides the opportunity to tell the story of the very genesis of the photographs. The exhibition project created by the Milan-based Studio Folder presents viewers with large and medium size prints distributed on a relief map of the Italian peninsula. The intent is to evoke and inspire visitors to physically retrace the same itineraries that the photographers followed, accompanying them with a large-size projection on the wall, in which the totality of the images is presented in short sequences aimed at enhancing their aesthetic value based on formal and compositional criteria. The exhibition catalogue, published by Silvana Editoriale was also conceived based on the same idea of the photographs’ journey/itinerary. Here, the visual narration is completed by critical contributions, as well as by texts created by the photographers themselves including annotations, observations, anecdotes and impressions acquired and produced during the photographic campaigns. After the end of the exhibition, the photographs on display will become part of the permanent collection of the Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Triennale Milano
Installation views: © Cosimo Quartana
Photographs by: Roberto Boccaccino, Marina Caneve, Davide Cossu, Louis De Belle, Luca Girardini e Marco Zorzanello, Paolo Lindozzi, Allegra Martin, Simone Mizzotti, Flavia Rossi, Alberto Sinigaglia

Title: 10 viaggi nell’architettura italiana/ 10 journeys through italian architecture
Date: 1 October – 7 November 2021
Location: Triennale Milano, viale Alemagna 6 - Milano Italy www.triennale.org

Curated by Matteo Balduzzi, Alessandra Cerroti and Luciano Antonino Scuderi
Graphic project of the exhibition installation and the catalogue: Studio Folder
Catalogue: Silvana Editoriale
Entrance: Free
Triennale Milano entrance hours: 11.00 – 20.00 (last entrance at 19.00)


01, 04-10 
Cosimo Quartana
Installation's views
Flavia Rossi
Ampliamento Cimitero comunale, Jesi, AN
Leonardo Ricci, Franco Luminari, Silvano Rossini 1984 -2001
Flavia Rossi
Casa Lina, Marmore, TR
Mario Ridolfi 1964 -1967
Roberto Boccaccino
Piazza Alicia e strade adiacenti, Salemi, TP 
Roberto Collovà, Alvaro Siza 1982-1998
Roberto Boccaccino
Lido comunale Genoese Zerbi, Reggio Calabria
Studio La Face-Ziparo, Pier Luigi Nervi, 1957–1962
Marina Caneve
Monumento Nazionale ai Martiri del nazismo Risiera di San Sabba, Trieste 
Romano Boico 1967-1974
Marina Caneve
Chiesa dell’Immacolata Concezione di Maria Vergine, Longarone, BL 
Giovanni Michelucci 1966 -1978
Davide Cossu
Casa dell’architetto, Campobasso 
Anastasio Di Virgilio 1975 -1990
Davide Cossu
Polaris Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, Pula, CA
Gregotti Associati 1993 - 2009
Louis De Belle
Collegio, ExSede FinAfrica, Milano
Marco Zanuso, Pietro Crescini 1971-1974
Louis De Belle
Centro Direzionale BESTAT, Taranto
Luigi Piccinato, Vera Consoli 1969 -1977
Alberto Sinigaglia
Casa Ottolenghi, Bardolino, VR
Carlo Scarpa 1974 -1979
Alberto Sinigaglia
Casa Salem- Cefalù, PA
Pasquale Culotta, Giuseppe Leone 1972-1973
Paolo Lindozzi
Museo dell’Aula Ottagona alle Terme di Diocleziano, Roma
Gianni Bulian 1983 -1997
Paolo Lindozzi
Centro di produzione RAI, Fuorigrotta, Napoli 
Riccardo Avolio De Martino, Mario De Renzi, Raffaele Contigiani 1958 -1963
Allegra Martin
Ex uffici Torre del Mare Casa Tizzoni Marazzi, Bergeggi, SV
Mario Galvagni 1954 -1955
Allegra Martin
Complesso residenziale Giomein, Valtournenche, AO 
Mario Galvagni 1965 -1972
Simone Mizzotti
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato, Torino 
Carlo Mollino, Carlo Graffi, Alberto Galardi, Antonio Magliasso 1964 -1972
Simone Mizzotti
Cimitero Militare Germanico, Firenzuola, FI 
Dieter Oesterlen 1962-1965
Luca Girardini e Marco Zorzanello
Unità residenziale Le Fontanelle, San Martino di Castrozza, TN
Bruno Morassutti, Andrew Powers 1963 -1966

Luca Girardini e Marco Zorzanello, 
Museo Monumento al Deportato, Carpi, MO
BBPR Albe e Lica Steiner 1963 -1973