
Zoom Picturing Architecture and the City Exhibition, Vienna




Architekturzentrum in Vienna presents an exhibition focusing on the key role of the architectural images as a means of studying the changes under way in the city and for communication between architects, clients and the general public.

Zoom Picturing Architecture and the City Exhibition, Vienna

Images now play a key role in understanding the changes under way in the city and as a form of communication between architects, clients and the general public. Across different countries and continents, from Italy to Mexico, from Africa to Russia and China, the work of thirteen international photographers and videomakers show how cities and buildings are changing, in a context of global urbanisation, and their impact on people's work and living conditions.

Roman Bezjak, Peter Bialobrzeski, Livia Corona, Nicoló Degiorgis, Jörg Koopmann, Eva Leitolf, Ulrike Myrzik & Manfred Jarisch, Stefan Oláh, Julian Röder, Simona Rota, Andreas Seibert, Fabian Vogl und Rufina Wu & Stefan Canham are the photographers involved in the exhibition "Zoom! Picturing Architecture and the City" opening on March 10 2016 at Architekturzentrum in Vienna.
Across different countries and continents, the photographers have sought out the traces and documented the connections between architecture and society, the problems caused by growing social inequality and migration. Their work represents places where no world-famous architects work, where buildings and cities vary on the basis of residents' social and cultural background, and not just their economic condition. The aim of the exhibition is to encourage comparison which goes beyond that of images created purely for the purposes of representation.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Title: Zoom! Picturing Architecture and the City
Dates: March 10 - May 17 2016
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien (Vienna - Austria)
