
weber + winterle architetti win the Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo

Weber+Winterle Architetti,

Oderzo, TV, Italia,



On December 3, the award ceremony for the 18th edition of the Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo took place, an award established in 1997 to promote architectural quality linked to a specific Italian territory. The winner is the project created by the weber + winterle architetti studio for the Mesiano Library (BUM) at the University of Trento.

weber + winterle architetti win the Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo

"A prize that rewards architecture and not architects": this is precisely how Paolo Baratta, jury chairman, defined the Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo (City of Oderzo Architecture Prize) during the ceremony held on December 3 at Palazzo Foscolo in Oderzo, to conclude the 18th edition. The prize, established in 1997, promotes architectural quality linked to a specific Italian territory, corresponding to the Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions. The prize, in fact, aims to "pursue a better quality of life in man-made places and to offer, to this end, educational and cultural stimuli to the new generations".
From the 79 applications received from all over Italy, an initial selection process led to a shortlist of eight finalists. From these, the jury chaired by Paolo Baratta and made up of Simona Malvezzi (Kuehn Malvezzi), Martina Salvaneschi (Associates Architecture), Stefano Gri (GEZA Architettura) and Luigi Lucchetta (Desireè Spa), selected the three winning projects.
The competing projects are architectural works located in the Triveneto region, either built from scratch or interventions carried out to reuse and convert existing built spaces, degraded places and urban voids. Themes, in fact, closely respected by the winners.
The winning project of the 18th edition, the Mesiano Library (BUM) at the University of Trento designed by the weber + winterle architetti firm was chosen by the jury precisely because, as the explanatory statement states, "it happily completes the context of the existing university buildings and, at the same time, it offers, from an interior of unquestionable architectural quality, glimpses and openings towards the outside world, almost a metaphor of the educational function offered to students".
The special mention in the "Architettura dei luoghi del lavoro" (Architecture of the workplace) category was awarded to the "La Fabbrica della fabbrica" project in Campodarsego (PD) created by studio mzc+ ran by architects Giuseppe Cangialosi and Massimo Moretto. In the "Architetture per la comunità" (Architecture for the community) category, on the other hand, the special mention went to the Brixen City Library designed by the Carlana, Mezzalira, Pentimalli studio. A newly built volume, the library fits into an urban void and spreads out its branches like a tree to mend the relationship with the pre-existing structures and offer the community of the entire valley a new place of aggregation and identity.

(Agnese Bifulco)

Images courtesy of Premio Architettura Città di Oderzo


Captions and Credits
01-04 Winner: weber + winterle architetti, Mesiano Library (BUM), University of Trento ®DP_BibliotecaMesiano
05 Awards credits ®De Mayda
06-07 Special Mention "Architetture per la comunità" - Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli - Brixen City Library ® Marco Cappelletti
08 Special Mention "Architettura dei luoghi del lavoro" - studio mzc+ (architects Giuseppe Cangialosi and Massimo Moretto) - "La Fabbrica della fabbrica", Campodarsego (PD)