Tag Studio Capitanio Architetti

Studio Capitanio Architetti and the new Trafilerie Mazzoleni office complex


Studio Capitanio Architetti and the new Trafilerie Mazzoleni office complex

Remo Capitanio’s studio designed a new administration centre for Trafilerie Mazzoleni in Bergamo, an architectural project that seeks to establish a new dialogue with the city’s public dimension, in addition, of course, to providing a functional space for the historic manufacturer of steel wire and metallurgical products.

The new Integrated Day Centre in Nembro is the work of Remo Capitanio


The new Integrated Day Centre in Nembro is the work of Remo Capitanio

Architect Remo Capitanio, in collaboration with Joi Donati and Alice Bottelli, has headed up the expansion of the Integrated Day Centre in Nembro in the province of Bergamo, Italy. The assisted living facility is a contemporary architectural project with a careful eye not only for the quality of its spaces and welcoming atmosphere, but also the historical context of its setting. As such, traditional materials have been used so as to strike up a dialogue with the nearby Chiesa di San Nicola. The Nembro Day Centre is a project which aims to provide an indispensable contribution to the health and welfare services of one of the places in Italy worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.