Tag Stefano Gusmeroli

Asti Architetti designs two projects for the city of Milan


Asti Architetti designs two projects for the city of Milan

Two recent projects by architect Paolo Asti and his studio investigate the relationship between architecture and the city on a number of thematic levels, with the design of an urban oasis, a temporary workstation for recharging with positive energy, for the Iris Ceramica Group in the Brera Design District during Fuori Salone del Mobile 2023, and the Faravelli 14 housing development in the Portello district, in which the façade reinterprets the ongoing relationship with the street.

Asti Architetti redesigns and redevelops a part of the city in Milan


Asti Architetti redesigns and redevelops a part of the city in Milan

The Asti Architetti studio has designed the redevelopment of an important urban block in the city of Milan. The project, “il Cortile della Seta” involved a typical courtyard building located between Via Moscova and Via Solferino. The architects redesigned the street front of the four above-ground levels, the covered courtyard and the new glass roof.