Tag Sami Rintala

VALA Sauna a Soomas in Estonia


VALA Sauna a Soomas in Estonia

VALA Sauna is the output of the 2017 Design and Making Summer School FLOODED 2017, organised jointly by the Department of Interior Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Forest Management Centre.

A getaway for creatives by TYIN Tegnestue


A getaway for creatives by TYIN Tegnestue

Norwegian firm TYIN Tegnestue, in collaboration with Sami Rintala of Rintala Eggertson Architects, have created a very unusual getaway on the island of Fleinvær in Norway.

Estonia, floating structures respond to environmental needs


Estonia, floating structures respond to environmental needs

Last summer's output of the Wilderness Summer School with the Estonian Academy of Arts Interior Architecture department: VEETEE - waterway in English - with three floating structures in a very challenging landscape, a forest that is flooded at least once a year.

The Zigzag by Rintala Eggertson


The Zigzag by Rintala Eggertson

Public art adds to the value of a neighbourhood in Trondheim.

Safe Haven Library: Giving a future


Safe Haven Library: Giving a future

Norwegian architectural studio TYIN’s plan for a library in an orphanage in Thailand offers the children not only an opportunity to study and build a better future for themselves, but a place to play and have fun The library is the product of a workshop held in 2009 with the participation of 15 architecture students from NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, under the guidance of associate professor Hans Skotte and architect Sami Rintala.