Tag Quzhou, Cina

MAD Architects complete the Quzhou Sports Park stadium in China


MAD Architects complete the Quzhou Sports Park stadium in China

The Quzhou stadium fits harmoniously into the landscape of the large 700,000 square metre sports park being built in the historic Chinese city. The design of the entire sports area is the work of MAD Architects, led by architect Ma Yansong, who has thus set a new record by constructing the largest building in the world built in the earth.

MAD Architects: Architecture and landscape at the Quzhou Sports Park


MAD Architects: Architecture and landscape at the Quzhou Sports Park

In Quzhou, in the Chinese province of Zhejiang, MAD Architects - headed up by architect Ma Yansong - has designed a stadium and other sports facilities that dissolve into the landscape. This is the vast Quzhou Sports Park, a park spread across an overall surface area of 570,000 square metres comprising both sports facilities - including a 30,000-seat stadium, a gymnasium for an audience of 10,000, a swimming pool, outdoor training grounds, and a service centre for athletes - and a science and technology museum, as well as other areas for children.