Tag Pinna Viardo Architetti

Torre Fara, futurism and sustainability


Torre Fara, futurism and sustainability

The former colonia Fara in Chiavari, Italy is a case study in recovery of our modern architectural heritage. Five entrepreneurs in the Tigullio area formed a consortium to restore the tower block, which originally opened in 1935 as a summer holiday camp for 400 children; its new-found beauty is revealed in a series of new photographs taken from the sea.

Torre Fara, a specimen of Rationalist architecture expertly restored in Chiavari


Torre Fara, a specimen of Rationalist architecture expertly restored in Chiavari

The town of Chiavari, on the eastern Riviera of the region of Liguria in northwest Italy, is home to a sustainable contemporary restoration of a public works project dating back to the nineteen-thirties. Architect Enrico Pinna planned the building’s rebirth for a group of five entrepreneurs, with a dozen local companies performing the redevelopment work, including a new waterfront promenade as well as restoration of the former Colonia Fara area.