Tag Naomi Kurozumi

Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop creates the Hayama House, Terrace in the town


Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop creates the Hayama House, Terrace in the town

For the Hayama House project, Japanese architecture firm Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop envisaged a “middle” space shared with the city. The space consists of a Doma and a terrace where different activities can be carried out alone or in the company of others. A space where it is possible for people to recover their social interaction and urban behaviour.

Kentaro Yamazaki: Hakusui Nursery School in Sakura, Japan


Kentaro Yamazaki: Hakusui Nursery School in Sakura, Japan

Architecture as an educational tool is the message conveyed by the Hakusui Nursery School in Sakura, Japan, designed by Kentaro Yamazaki. A nursery in a glass pavilion with steps that follow the contour of the hillside, with finishes made from Japanese woods and a water-based cooling system on the roof.