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SpazioFMG exhibition Sergei Tchoban Realtà e Fantasia - Cartoline dall'Italia


SpazioFMG exhibition Sergei Tchoban Realtà e Fantasia - Cartoline dall'Italia

Starting on June 25 2015 Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti’s gallery in Milan, SpazioFMGperl'architettura, hosts the exhibition “Sergei Tchoban Realtà e Fantasia - Cartoline dall'Italia”, featuring more than 50 artistic sketches by the architect and deigner of the Russian pavilion for Expo Milano 2015.

Fab Architectural Bureau Milano Video event Pasta as Architecture in Daniele Duca's Photographs


Fab Architectural Bureau Milano Video event Pasta as Architecture in Daniele Duca's Photographs

The videos illustrate the first evening event held at Fab Architectural Bureau Milano, the Fiandre and Porcelaingres creative gallery and showroom, where a book of photographs by Daniele Duca focusing on the design of different De Cecco pasta shapes was presented on May 19.

Tamassocciati and Emergency best of the week


Tamassocciati and Emergency best of the week

On June 19 FAB Architectural Bureau Milano, Fiandre and Porcelaingres's creative gallery and showroom, presented a meeting and an event focusing on architecture designed by Tamassociati for Emergency. Here is a look at the important Italian studio's projects presented in Floornature.

FAB Architectural Bureau Milano Tamassociati for Emergency


FAB Architectural Bureau Milano Tamassociati for Emergency

Architecture as a means of treatment is the theme of a meeting with architectural studio Tamassociati and Emergency organised on June 19 by FAB Architectural Bureau Milano and the Floornature.com team. The evening will conclude with a happening and finger food by chef Lorenzo Lavezzari.

Qatar projects and Expo Milano 2015 pavilion best of the week


Qatar projects and Expo Milano 2015 pavilion best of the week

On June 18 SpazioFMGperl'Architettura presents a talk entitled “Looking Up. Highrise and Tradition in Qatar with South West Architecture”, and to mark the occasion this week's best of the week feature focuses on projects built in Qatar and presented in Floornature.

Pier Luigi Nervi and the salt warehouses in Tortona


Pier Luigi Nervi and the salt warehouses in Tortona

Tortona, crossroad for the motorway and railway networks, midway between Milan and Genoa, is home to some cultural gems built in the 20th century: two large storage sheds with parabolic roofing designed by engineer, Pier Luigi Nervi, which Livegreenblog visited with photographer Gianluca Giordano.

Qatar Pavilion Expo 2015


Qatar Pavilion Expo 2015

The Jafeer, a basket woven from palm leaves, is the architectural element characterising the Qatar Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.

Francisco López Guerra Almada Mexican Pavilion Expo Milano 2015


Francisco López Guerra Almada Mexican Pavilion Expo Milano 2015

The Mexican Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015 was designed by architect Francisco López Guerra Almada in the shape of a cob of corn: a key ingredient in Mexican cuisine.

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